Oberlin College Archives


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  • Tags: landscape architecture

World War II Memorial Garden

Located on the south side of Finney Chapel, the World War II Memorial Garden commemorates the seventy-five Oberlin College alumni who lost their lives in the Second World War. The idea for creating such a memorial was born at a special alumni reunion…

Tappan Square

Tappan Square, Oberlin’s picturesque town green comprising 13 acres, was first cleared of trees in order to create space to build a college. Early settlers began removing trees between 1833 and 1836, adding a worm fence and later one of Osage…

Conservatory of Music

Oberlin's Warner Hall, the Conservatory's building from 1884, was no longer adequate at the beginning of the 1960s. The college chose Minoru Yamasaki to design a new complex, including a library, for the music school. The resulting building in…

Bacon Arbor

The late Carl Bacon attended Oberlin in 1921-22, and lived at the Oberlin College Inn in the 1980s. He donated the funds for the entire landscape which surrounded Hall Auditorium and the Oberlin Inn (prior to the construction of the Lewis Gateway…