3.) ART MAKING Making Dances


Contemporary choreographers choose from many different kinds of dance languages to create their work.  Some well-known companies have developed their own movement language and have created schools that train dancers in that specific style.  Some of the more familiar dance techniques today include those originated by Alvin Ailey, Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey and José Limon, Merce Cunningham, Trisha Brown, and Urban Bush Women, to name just a few.  Other dance school may teach classes under a more general rubric of ballet, modern, jazz, tap, contemporary and post-modern.  Generally, contemporary choreographers either create movement directly on their own bodies and then teach it to their dancers, or they have the dancers develop the movement themselves, often by having them either improvise on a theme or work within a specific movement dynamic.   Later, the choreographer will select aspects of these sessions which they want to further explore.  For the most part, this is how the movement in underground was made.